Is a new war in making in Middle East over Iranian nuclear program?
The deadline, given by the US, for conclusion of talks over Tehran's nuclear program has passed. Though it is expected that this deadline would be extended. Many around the world wonder why after signing an interim deal, which was suppose to provide the basis for this final deal, things have become so tense between the two camps. The extract from Daily Telegraph's report answers this question.
"When John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, secured an interim agreement in Geneva last November, his only aim was to limit Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Now Mr Kerry is no longer interested in freezing Iran’s progress; he is after “rollback”. Put bluntly, he wants Iran to start dismantling key elements of its nuclear programme, particularly its capacity to enrich uranium."
This is a clear negation of interim deal and also answers our main question about the potential threat of another war in Middle East. It seems that 5+1 states have changed their stance from what they agreed in interim deal earlier this year and Iran has left with no choice but to take a strong stance. These developments not only have stalled the progress in talks but has brought the region on the blink of another conflict.
Editor's Note:
There was no mention of rolling back Iran’s nuclear program at the time when this interim deal was signed earlier this year. 5+1 nations agreed and accepted Iranian right to continue Uranium enrichment activities for civilian usage. The focus was on keeping Iranian Uranium enrichment below the level of weapon grade. But now, in November 2014, it looks like the US wants a complete rollback of Iranian program and this has become a new bone of contention between both parties. This snapshot of interim deal –highlighting the important points agreed by both sides at that time –reveal the present change of stance by 5+1 nations. This new demand of complete rollback of Iranian nuclear program can derail the entire negotiations.
The snapshot PDF can be accessed from link given below:
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