
Security & Threat Matrix Blog is aimed to conduct advanced analysis of all the important and critical military, geopolitical and security related developments which are unfolding in this very dynamic region of the world. But the issues like terrorism and nuclear non-proliferation are also among important topics of analysis.

Security & Threat Matrix strives to cover all the regions of the world but the major focus in South East Asia, Afghanistan, Eurasia and South China Sea.

Strategic maritime competition between China and the US is transforming the entire geopolitical landscape in 21st century. It directly effects the balance of maritime power within South East Asia including Pakistan and India. This competition is among key focus areas of Security &  Threat Matrix just like Afghanistan and Baltic.

Emergence of new weapon systems in the region and their impact on prevailing balance of power is another area of interest of this blog.

Currently, the blog is being updated on regular news and weekly analysis but later I have plans to develop it in full fledged website with more valuable sections like Multimedia and Videos.

Always looking forward for your valuable feedback and suggestions.

Shahzad Masood Roomi
(Founder & Director)


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