Thursday, March 12, 2015

Fundamental Strategic Imperative for Muslim Word

By Shahzad Masood Roomi

This cold blooded execution of Palestinian youth by young IS executioner is yet another stern reminder about many aspects of fight against IS and nature of this threat.
So far, the US led coalition is only targeting the physical infrastructure (even execution of that remains debatable) but all important ideological aspect is being ignored in this strategy. Even Iraqi national army is addressing the problem as a mere political issue whereas in reality, this phenomenon of Khawariji trends in the Middle East has a history of more than 1300 years.
Now in 21st century, this phenomenon has become even more complex due to inclusion of propaganda component where internet is playing a crucial role. A role that was not even imagined when this wounder invention was made in late 20th century. Now, terrorists are deploying this medium as tool for their strategic communication tool to instill fear and despondency among masses around the world.
Another disturbing aspect of this particular video is showing of 10 years old executioner. This shows the indoctrination strategy of IS which is not unprecedented, TTP in Pakistan and Boko Haram in Africa also use similar tactics using young boys with fragile minds and limited conscience about value of human life. This is an aspect which must will have to be addressed by religious leaders of Muslim worlds. Conventional armies and weapons cannot these aspects of modern Khawarijism.
Now when this has been confirmed that the executed captive of IS was indeed not a Israeli spy but a Palestinian youth who joined IS in zeal. It is time for the Muslim intellectuals and scholars to instigate the debate on the 'reconstruction of strategic thought' inline with the requirements of modern times to end the confusion in young minds around the Islamic World about tactics of so-called Islamic groups like IS, TTP and Boko Harm and their relevance (or irrelevance) to Jihad, Qital and Khilafat. Prevention of intellectual hijacking of Islam is a critical imperative in modern geopolitics if we want to save other Mohamed Said Ismail Musalams from becoming victim of ISIS religious propaganda.

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